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^ I guess so. It's just something I can't understand because so many people are hoping for new players in the console market, but when there is a new entrant, namely Apple, it receives sometimes outright hatred.

Then again, iPhone/iTouch can in some ways be related to the Wii: they represent a new user interface paradigm, one of direct manipulation via multitouch and gestures. I understand there are serious doubts about the usefulness of this UI paradigm for gaming purposes, and there are only a handful of examples of games that are actually succesfully implementing the UI paradigm instead of trying to work around it. Again, it's the same as with Wii: simple ports with added waggle don't work, games have to be designed from ground up for the platform, and even then the results often leave a lot to be desired. I'm working on a few game ideas for iPhone/iTouch, and it's quite clear that you simply can't think in traditional norms. Buttons only work in slow paced games, a finger is dozens of pixels wide so forget about pixel perfect clicking, touching the screen blocks what's under it from view etc.

Of the games I've tried, I can name a couple of good examples. Aurora Feint: The Beginning uses the possibilities of accelerometer and multitouch well. Galcon uses touch and drag well. GTS World Racing and Raging Thunder use the accelerometer quite well for car steering. Tap Tap Revenge uses multitouch well. Those at least are games that other devs should look into and copy the good ideas, I don't want to see another Kroll.

Does anybody have other examples of good UI in games? I'd be really interested to see how things can be done.