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Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Spankey said:
damndl0ser said:
How many of these articles do we really need? RROD happens, it is real, it happend to me, so what? It took a little over a week to get my 360 serviced and its not really that big of a deal. People who normally harp on this are fanboys so give it a rest already.


no need to be such a damndl0ser. lol

This is an informative article, much like the many informative atricles currently in the Sony thread.

"Just wait for" Jasper to hit the masses and all earlier 360 units still out there to get their RRoD out of the way and this crap will be a distant memory.




Now that's 'flamebaiting'.  As far as I can tell your name, your avatar, your comments, basically your entire presence on this site is to aggravate people with unfounded 100% statistic generalisations that don’t exist.  Challenge me that I’m wrong.