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"He loves the games for the system —it’s the hardware that’s let him down, over and over again.

“If the 360 hardware was as reliable as the PS3, I’d be a happy camper all the way around,” he says.

Speaking of Microsoft’s rival, Lawhon is expecting his new PlayStation 3 to arrive on Friday — but is mainly excited about the console because it can play Blu-ray DVDs, he says.

As for Williams, he wants his Xbox 360 back, but he’s also leaning toward a PS3. The only problem, he says, is that none of his friends have a PS3. Like Lawhon, he spends a lot of time on Xbox Live, playing games online with his friends."


The problematic hardware and the "but my friends mostly have 360" line are attributable to 360 launching early, fully one year earlier than PS3.  The early launch doubtless helped usher in the RRoD problem, just like PS3's later launch contributed to its lesser support (though Cell's a factor too) and slower sales.  Sigh.  Take your pick.  Competition is good, though.