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Fumanchu - did you bother reading said article? New Xbox 360 problems are nowhere to be found in the article....The article was talking about refurbished Xbox 360's that die. Not Jaspers. Not Falcons. No insight into what's going on other than the ignorant journalist saying "Xbox 360's still RRoD" - despite the fact that if anyone with knowledge would understand they were talking about old refurbs and not new consoles.

That's the argument the pro-X360 side is conveying here - They are arguing that the article doesn't add to the debate, because it isn't discussing new, or newer Xbox 360s. Only old ones. It makes as much sense as someone posting about a few people's launch Xbox 360's now crapping out...We know that already. What about something informative for something that's happened in the past 12-14 months?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.