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Squilliam said:
axumblade said:
squilliam seems to support whichever system he feels needs support at the moment. He's the vgc cheerleader of the hd gaming consoles. ;)

Pretty much!

@Garnett, I never stopped supporting the Xbox 360. Its just that I don't feel like my contributions are needed so much anymore. There have been plenty of new registrations and old members who have started posting more in support of the system now that its doing better. *Go figure eh?*

At the moment im wrestling with the *PS3 is doomzed* crowd of people, personally I would rather support the side thats being bullied than the side doing the bullying. Much of my energy has been diverted to figuring out what actions SCE can and will make next year and what effect they will have.

You want an interesting tidbit about the Xbox 360?

Microsoft has split their production between FDOU and CSON. The former is making all the Arcade units with the internal memory and the latter is making the Premiums and Elite units. Furthermore they made a change to the Southbridge, which is the part responsible for networking, connectivity and storage on the console. This is an interesting development and my current theory about this is that they intend to introduce wireless into the Premium/Elite SKUs, which makes sense at this point for two reasons. 1 - these are the units most likely to be used for online connectivity, 2 - its a way for them to further add value without slashing the price further. Certain people were right about the fact they are reaching the point of diminishing returns from price cuts, so it makes sense to add value instead.


it's about freakn time.

I would support PS3 a lot more too, only if I had one.