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I have been reading this magazine since its early days.Always enjoyed their honest opinions on the Playstation and the games.This is not the first time the magazine has given bad ratings to a very hyped up game.I'm pissed at whiney delusional fanboys calling this mag biased.

I don't give a damn if the new editor use to be at a Xbox magazine.The dude now works at PSM.Do people honestly think this guy can walk in there to a group of guys that have been working there 5 plus years and say "Hey,from now on we bash the PS3,give low ratings to hyped up games,then praise the 360.

LOL never would happen.Lair sucks,get over it.This game has been in my top 5 most anticipated.PSM and other reviewers saved me $60.I'm a SONY fanboy,but I am not a delusional one.The only biased people I know are the fanboys all of a sudden bashing these reviewers.pathetic.Save yourselves the money for the great games coming.