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bugrimmar said:
meh, a movie that doesn't offer anything new isn't worth high praise.

on the note of the oscars, well i've disagreed with the academy a fair share of times as well. but they don't give awards for no reason. they aren't completely idiotic. so i will tend to give them the nod of trust over critics, because critics have messed up more times than i can remember over movies i love.

the examples i gave, groundhog day, the godfather 2 and 3, braveheart, gladiator, are masterpieces in my eyes. critics trash them for some reason, so i put my stake with the academy, and say the critics are insane. i just think that the critics are trying hard to find flaws in those movies because of some weird bias. i dunno.

You aren't trusting the Academy over the critics at all. They are basically one and the same. Those same reviewers get together at the end of the year and vote on these Awards, same as the actors, directors, techs, editors, etc. It's just a pool of Hollywood people voting. I'd rather trust the possibly less biased reviewer than the actor voting in his own movie for Best Picture. My point still stands though. You can't say the reviewers are wrong and use the Academy as an example, because the reviews come before them.

Do note that Godfather Part 3 didn't win Best Picture and Groundhogs Day wasn't nominated for anything, so how exactly does the Academy agree with you there? Plus Godfather 3 actually won two Razzies. That should tell you something.



Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.