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bugrimmar said:
i was just saying that both movies won in many categories, not specifically mentioning which awards they got. i'm just saying that movies that win so many awards can't possibly be that low in a meta standpoint. it just doesn't make sense.

as to before sunset, i mean the entire plot is just a series of events that you already know is coming. you don't expect anything except just petty conversation. its like listening to a couple ramble on about themselves. in fact there's no plot.

Why not try to look at it from the other perspective? Ask the Oscars voters why they vote in movies that don't score that well overall. Let's take this year for example. Your critical darling of this year will be Wall-E, and yet we all know it'll never be up for best picture, let alone win it. So is that the reviewers' faults for over-reviewing Wall-E or the Academy for not recognizing it when the time comes? Considering how often I disagree with the Oscars, I'd say the latter.

Edit: I just realized that only my scenario actually makes any sense. How could a reviewer even know at the time of their review that these movies would go on to win awards? Back when they reviewed them, these were merely movies, nothing more and nothing less.

Your reasons for disliking Before Sunset are precisely why I love it. It's real. The dialogue is real and can be predicted because it feels as real as your own dialogues in life. The plot exists, but it's under the surface. You know that the light banter is going to finally lead to a more relevatory place, and you wait and see what is going to become of these two people that obviously haven't let go of that dream to be together after a 10 year absence.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.