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bugrimmar said:
well part 2 only got a 71. so yes, i do have a case then?

You have a case with one movie. Cherry picking much?

It's also hard to determine since Meta can't gather many reviews for movies from the 1970's. They happened to find a single terrible review which brought the score way down. It happens. Godfather managed a perfect 100, which is obcenely high looking at where all of the other movies fall, so I suppose we should lambast them for their crazily high reviews too huh?

What matters to me is that I can look at the top thirty movies reviewed in a year, and the bottom thirty and realize the inherent difference in quality. I trust it enough to check those movies at the top out. However, data is incomplete prior to 2004 I think, so anything before that time, and especially before the internet, could be grossly misjudged.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.