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Groucho said:

Anyone who is asking for documentation from drkohler needs to step back and consider that this information is just plain not available. All we can do is "guess". We rely upon anonymous information to further our knowledge, and make better guesses, and that's it. No docs, no nothing, or VGChartz would be pointless.

I'll put forth that drkohler does appear to have an awful lot of knowledge regarding the manufacturing process, and he's not using terminology that should be confusing to anyone whoeven remotely understands it (like myself). If you're confused by his statements.. step off. I can guarantee that anyone who didn't see a great deal of logic, or didn't understand some of the concepts he was talking about, doesn't know wth they are talking about.

Rather than spouting "prove it", stick your trolling neck out and give a reason why he should have to. What's your foundation for disagreeing with him, or are you just a foaming fanboy, who can't keep his mouth shut? If you understand the subject as well as he does, and you don't agree... you can type -- spell it out for us, since.. you know, you're an expert, and your claiming he's not.

As I stated, feel free to stick your neck out there and refute drkohler -- I'd love to see the rebuttal from another "expert".  Step up to the plate, gentlemen (and ladies)..  we're anxious for enlightenment.

Yep, never question any information that has been placed on the internet.