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Won't happen yush, sorry... Germany for example still need something that takes all the bad thing on it's shoulders. Movies and Games (And Music too ^^). For example, quite some time ago, there was some maniac shooting some people and killed himself. Later they found in his room "Killing Music" (aka Slipknot, Six feet under etc.) and a "evil" Game: Final Fantasy 7... They really said that ^^

Today it's not that worse anymore but still bad for "mature" people. We have quite a strict rating and the people want to earn money so they have to censor their products. Like Harry Potter. Nearly all parts were a little bit censored for theatres to get a better rating (So the small children can go an watch it). On DVD later they were uncut, except no.2. So many people imported it and Warner forbid to import Harry Potter from austria because they made not enough money in Germany ^^

The point is, Games and Movies are still the source of all the evil that happens (Well I always say the root of evil is our government... why did they vote for the most idiotic ones?) Also America is evil. Anime and Manga too... Man the list goes on and on (Yes we have censored Manga as well) and above all of that we're one of the most expensive countries and that hurts a lot. I pay less for an uncut import than for the censored version in shops... But many people just don't know, they take what they can get or are (sadly) not able of understanding english. It is better... We have some uncut Games... GTAIV was the first uncut GTA... Dead Space was uncut (though gaming magazines stated it has "to much gore" ^^) and I hope one day you can go to the theatres and shops and get the full version when you pay for it. But as long as there are people going maniac... there will be an excuse needed...

@DaveD: Sorry, i guess I got it wrong... Don't know about the pen thingy but as I said a lot of blood and executions left the Game to get an M-Rating so I doubt it will only be the Pen thing... but it can be :)

“And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.” -Terry Pratchett