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@Mr Stickball
Firstly, let me be clear that I do not condone the posting of said threads that seek to get a rise out of a gaming population because of a…’just because they can’ attitude. I think Dodece said it best when he described them as the “hemorrhoid on the ass of this community”.

But what has he provided? He’s presenting a news article to this site for a discussion – nothing more. Like it or not, this article exists and it’s in plain site for everyone to read, so instead of questioning the agenda of the OP, shouldn’t your grievance be with the person who wrote the article instead?

By all means present your side of the argument and state your logic behind your reasoning, but if you have a firm rebuttal to the discussion at hand, shouldn’t your data be enough of a retort?

This business of everyone getting ‘sick and tired of reading x’, shouldn’t enter the equation. You’re letting emotion enter a debate. If there’s bad news the media harps on about it to a factor of 10 over the glowing success stories…that’s the way the world is and we’re no different – you’re far more likely to tell people about the bad service you endured over the good. Was everyone sick of hearing about 911 after the first year it happened? Well, there’s no escape, don’t fight it.

Are people still afflicted with the dreaded RRoD? Yes, but a heck of a lot less. Should people not get annoyed when it happens to them and not tell everyone about it just because the problem is less likely to occur? No, because this is a bad service that they endured, and for whatever reason we emphasize more weight on the bad than the good.