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Fumanchu -

Yes and no. The newer refurbs have a hybrid chip in them with the Falcon/Jasper parts, but no HDMI port to work with the older non-Falcon cases & parts.

The issue is like what we see with consoles at retailers - A lot of the stock is old, and hasn't been upgraded with the newer parts. Once a console RRoDs, and goes back to Mesquite Texas (the MS repair center), it gets the newest parts in it once fixed..However, they ship out another console than the one you *usually* send in..That's what causes the problem. MS has most likely had to run through the old, non-Falcon stock before they got newer models to send out as repaired consoles.

I'd imagine that as time goes forward, refurb reliability will continue to slowly go up, as newer, better Falcon/Jasper mobos are installed in the old non-HDMI cases for refurb/repairs.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.