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You can't compare blu ray jump from dvd to the jump dvd had from vhs. The jump to dvd was a huge jump and the whole package of dvd vs the big clumpy vhs was a big factor too.

Now you have a slightly better picture, and the HUGE KICKER. If you don't have an HDTV then there is no change. While the dvd jump affected every tv so you didn't have to upgrade to some $2000+ tv to notice it. (now, yes prices of tv's down, but that is because of bad economy, which also means doubtful on peopel buying the tv's anyway less also a blu ray player and blu rays)

We have rebought plenty of our movies that were VHS to be on DVD, but I doubt we will rebuy any to blu ray because of the fact that the quality jump isn't that much better to warrant the price of paying another $price for a movie we already own that still plays in our Blu Ray player, and upscales it.