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numonex said:
IGN's PS3 GOTY 2008 = MGS 4
IGN's Wii GOTY 2008 will be SSBB
IGN's XBox 360 GOTY 2008 will be Gears of War 2
IGN's PC GOTY 2008 will be Spore
IGN's Multiplatform GOTY 2008 will be GTA IV
IGN's Overall GOTY 2008 will be Gears of War 2

I doubt IGN will give Gears 2 best 360 game let alone GOTY. I'm sure GOTY for 360 will be GTA4 and GOTY will either be MGS4 or GTA4. Those are the only two games to recieve perfect tens from that site since Soul Calibur 2 for a reason. Gears 2 got the same score as R2 and I don't expect them to give it many more awards then so. I'm sure it will get best shooter and graphics but I doubt much else.


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