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CrazzyMan said:
What went wrong:
MGS4 was moved to 2008.
LBP was moved to late 2008.
FFXIII went multiplatform, and because of that will be released only in 2009/2010.
KZ2 moved to early 2009.
GT5 is set to release only in late 2009-2010.
Lack of good advertising and a lot media hate.
M$ bought every game they could.

What went good:
Yet, in same LIFETIME PS3 still is doing BETTER then x360. =)
Blu-ray won the HD video format war.
People still buying MANY 400$/€ costing PS3.
PS3 still is not hacked.
PS3 still is getting 3rd party Japan support.
There is still place for a sales spike after PRICECUT.
Still MANY GREAT AA exclusive are in developement for coming years.


Im far to lazy to post my own opinion, so i'll agree with this.