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Sevengen said:
@ Sieanr... in your sig you have this:

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away"

... i'm not too sure if you're quoting someone else, trying to be funny, or making an honest attempt to throw a dig towards the 360 and it's fans, would come as a surprise to me if no one before this has pointed out the following:

if you turn 360 degrees, you're actually facing the exact same way you were beforehand... so... on the outside chance that you're comment is meant as an insult, you might wanna re-think it a little. it's kinda hard to walk away from something when you're still looking directly at it.

As for the OP's question, if something doesn't meet people expectations, regardless of what that something may be, resentment, frustration and complaints are the only way to vent. The PS3's not going anywhere, unfortunately, there seems to be an extremely vocal segment of the PS3 fanboy lot who are just now finding out that Jesus Christ does not, in fact, reside inside the console, it's not going to solve the worlds energy crisis, or do your homework, mow the lawn, find you a girlfriend... or any other of the fanatical imaginings some folks had it pegged as doing. So they whine, moan, complain and offer up to the rest of us a generally ugly picture of 'fanboy'
Of course, that applies to the 360 fans and Wii fans as well, it's just allot easier to sound positive when you're not in last place.

It's a dig at someone else who said that...