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fmich1985 said:
Do exchanged dead Xboxes 360 count twice in the total sales??

I believe that replaced (as opposed to refurbished) units count in the "total shipped" numbers MS likes to put out, but VGChartz tracks retail sales only, as far as I know.  So the answer to your question is... "no and yes".  "No" here on VGChartz, I think.  "Yes" in some MS press statements, I believe.

I have heard that well over half of the Xenon/Zephyr models ever produced have been replaced by MS, which correlates well with MikeB's statement that the "~33% fail rate" of those models was 1st-year, and not lifetime.  The policy has been to replace them with refurbished Falcons, although perhaps its cheaper to just hand out new Jaspers now, I dunno.

Contrary to popular belief, the Falcon models are only slightly less prone to RRoD than the original Xenon/Zephyr was, according to leaked MS numbers.  I imagine that, since it was the GPU that was the real issue, the problem should hopefully vanish with the new Jasper models.  Ben Heckendorn has confirmed on his site that the new Jaspers even have gone back to using liquid capacitors (cheaper, more heat), as opposed to late-model Falcons, which used solid caps (more expensive).  Apparently MS themselves believe the Jasper is RRoD-proof enough that they can skimp on the other, non-GPU components.