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Impulsivity said:

I have no problem with the PS3's position, it has had more sales then the 360 did at an equal point in its life cycle.

What I do have a problem with is those who pretend that the 360 is in some great shape and the PS3 is doomed. The 360 has barely sold more then the PS3 this year and would have been heavily outpaced if they hadn't done a huge price cut. Even with that cut the 360 is selling barely more this year then last year (while the PS3 has increased 60% year over year). If the PS3 is doomed the 360 is just as doomed since it is only ahead from the head start (and barely ahead at that).

Both are so far behind the Wii I can understand posts that say "Wii trounces PS3" or "Wii trounces 360" but "360 trounces PS3" is kinda silly. That is like last gen a bunch of posts about how "Xbox trounces Gamecube" or vice versa when they were so far behind it really didn't matter a whole lot.

When the 360 really starts putting up numbers that make it competitive with the Wii then start talking about it like it has a real future. As it stands both HD consoles are getting trounced by the casual Wii pretty severely.

Again for emphasis though, 360 sales are more or less flat year over year despite the price cut (without the cut they would have been down significantly year over year), having to cut to the bone on price to just maintain prior year sales is not what the "winning" console does. The Wii is still 250, now 2nd highest in price, and sells double the 360. Those who win the silver in the olympics after falling behind by a full lap (despite a long head start) seldom gloat about how they beat the bronze winner by a few split seconds.

That was a great post. I agree with pretty much everything!