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I also don't know how people characterize making a super high end piece of tech as a bad thing. I for one appreciate that Sony goes cutting edge with their consoles (PS2 with DVD, PS3 with Blu Ray and the cell). I may be an annomoly but I would MUCH rather pay a few hundred bucks for extra quality then deal with a Sony Wii.

I mean I spent 2000 on my reciever, 2500 on my HDTV and 5000 on my speakers (all of those at "sale" prices) so I was happy to get a console worth using that equipment with. Some people spend thousands on big rims and a bouncing car, I spend it on my living room entertainment center, to each his own.  

Ever hooked a Wii or PS2 up to a high end system and a nice big HDTV even with component cables? It's not a pretty sight.

The 360 isn't as bad, but even with the 360 there are a lot of things left out (wireless, more powerful processor, swappable hard drive, free online ect ect) that I appreciate the PS3 having. There are certainly less high end consumers then casual consumers and I wouldn't expect parents to get a 600 dollar PS3 for their kid, but I for one appreciate a console at the high end of the market existing and am more then willing to pay for it. I'd see an underpowered PS2.5 as more of a failure then the truly awesome piece of hardware the PS3 is.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me