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CMoney said:
Are PS3 lovers the biggest suckers in the world?

The PS3 launches at $500/$600 dollars on promises of being a superior gaming console than the competition. Why? Blu-ray and the Cell. Sony says to fans "Sorry but if you want a PS3 you MUST pay extra money for a media format because we will profit from it in the the future." Sony fans not only buy the console anyway but actually support this horrible decision, even though it was a slap in the face to them and the people who were only interested in playing games on their gaming console. I don't know about you guys but when someone flips me the bird, I flip it back.

- Sony decides to include the Cell processor in the PS3, giving the middle finger to all the devs who wanted an easy platform to develop games on. Not only is it a pain in the butt to develop for but it takes twice as long. What this means is, the fans (you) have to wait longer for your games and most develpoers have decided to go multiplatform because the Cell takes too much time and money too actually develop for. Not only that but the format requires MANDATORY installs for its games and the Cell has yet to prove its superiority over the Xbox's CPU. Sony fans still support this horrible decision.

- Sony decides to make PSN a free service. While this may seem great on the surface, there are repercussions for these actions. Sony forces the developers to run their own servers. Again making the developers lives even more troublesome then they already are after the horrble developing times. When the devs arent happy, you arent happy. Devs have to decided to switch consoles, more games go multiplat, less reasons to buy a PS3. Home gets announced and pushed back for 2 years only for it to not live up to expectations, while all this time and money could have been spent on the functionality of PSN. 2 years later, cross game invites, trophies, and custom soundtracks are still not mandatory. Again Sony fans not only support this decision but defend it 'til their dying breath.

What it comes down to is: You were forced to pay extra money for features that are useless to gaming. You are getting less games than the competition because the PS3 is hard to develop for. Features that have been mandatory in the competitions console have still not been implemented on the PS3. The promises made to you about the PS3 being superior than the competition in every way have been broken, most multiplat games are equal if not better on the competitors console. PSN is nothing compared to Live even if it is free. This generation is almost over (new Xbox in 2010) and Sony fans are still waiting for a miraculous comeback. Yet after all these decisions Sony fans still support the company and refuse to except these simple facts that Sony F'ed up.

My question to you guys is: How many times does a company have to push you around before you start to push back? How long can you defend these (obviously) horrible decisions? Do you not realize this gen is almost over? Arent you sick of sticking up for a company that decided its own agenda (blu-ray) were more important then your entertainment? How can you support a company that has obviously turned it's back on you?

no disrespect meant but i was only able to skim your post (it's quite long), so if there's any points that you've stated that already answer back... sorry.

i love bluray. i'm one of those people fooling themselves that can see a difference between upscaled vs true HD quality (i'm also one of those that loved betamax over vhs).

to be honest, i don't care that developers are being forced to work/think harder. they aren't making games (other than that crazy brain age guy and maybe miyamato) for our enjoyment - they're doing it for a pay check. the emotion engine was difficult to program for initially but everyone was able to produce games.

home... well, it is what it is. i agree that it's pretty slim pickings for something that's been in development for that long (why didn't they just strip everquest and put new texture maps to make everything look like a city). hopefully it will get better as it grows. some creepy person invited me to be their friend... and i accepted out of fear that they would dance me to death. can i block users from seeing me online without cancelling friendship? err... if you're reading this then i'm just joking.