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Soriku said:
If any 360 owner wants to brag, you should use THIS. This'll probably be the best RPG on the 360. It just looks so awesome.

Vesperia? By the looks of it SO won't be far behind it. I'm bais to both series, anyway.

OT: Anyway, after watching it a few times, I figured out whats wrong with the characters. Its not the character models or even their faces, but in the way their faces move. Its just....unnatural. All they really would have needed to do was fix the movement of their faces and it would all be better. Still, I could get used to it after a while and besides that this game looks fantastic. Expect me to be throwing SO4 threads out like dodgeballs come the end of Febuary :)

Was it just the Youtube version, or does this game have an very slow framerate? I think it was just the vid...


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.