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I always use December as my catch up month to watch all the movies I missed all year. Here's what I've watched in the last week:

Gran Torino-4/5
(Good but very typical gruff performance by Eastwood. Lots of unnecessary scenes that don't build on the story.)

(Best movie of the year thus far. Langhella is winning an Oscar for this unless Rourke is really that good in The Wrestler.)

Four Christmases-2/5
(It has it's moments, but the story is overall very rushed by packing in a lot of character change in a mere couple of hours. Vince Vaughn has been funnier also.)

The Other Boleyn Girl-3/5
(Surprisingly average acting out of Johannson, but Portman does a killer job as Ann Boleyn. The whole script seems to run around her role entirely, ignoring the rest of the cast.)

Role Models-4/5
(Absolutely hilarious. It's about time Paul Rudd got the starring role because he knocks it out of the park. Sean William Scott and the two starring kids do great jobs also. Best ensemble cast I've seen in a movie this year.)

(I'm not a big fan of Gus Van Sant's trilogy of deranged teenager movies so this was definitely the best work I've seen from him since Good Will Hunting. Sean Penn really gets you lost in this role. James Franco and Emile Hirsch both deliver strongly too. Josh Brolin's expected best supporting actor nom for this flick is completerly overrated and undeserving.)

I have copies of Snow Angels, Changeling and Quantum of Solace sitting on my desk for watch next.

My top five I need to see for the rest of 2008 are:

1. The Wrestler
2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
3. Revolutionary Road
4. Doubt
5. Slumdog Millionaire



Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.