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Roaming the streets of Glasgow (not the wisest thing to do) the other day, I came across a nice, friendly man from Sony’s PR lot in the middle of an anonymous multimedia store. In the midst of discussing Home, upcoming games and how long it was taking for the store’s PS3 to download Life With PlayStation (although we didn’t discuss why it would need the software, since it would be used in the store for gaming), he pipped up a little bit of information about Sony’s plans for the PS3 next year.

It seemed a little odd, but I figured it could be cool enough news to forward to all of you. Hit the jump for what he said!

According to this mysterious, mystical source - I’m trying to hype this up as much as I can - Sony have already started work on a slimline PS3. I know, I know: it’s perhaps just a little bit too early to start talking about such things. The Sony PR man assured me that this came from inside the company and that he was sure of what he was saying. Here’s the ‘facts’:

  • The parts are already designed and ready to be manufactured
  • The console could be out as early as Easter 2009
  • It will retail for £200/$300

Chatting to Rothbart about this, he’d heard rumours of a price cut in spring 2009 and so these two rumours might just coincide with each other; maybe they’re the same thing. The fact that this rumour came from inside Sony is what’s got me pondering.

Still, you can’t escape the fact that it might just be too early for a slimline PS3. Sony only announced and released the slimmed-down PS2 4 years after the console originally launched. To have a console shrunken down, ready for production and prepared for release just 2 and a half years after the original launch (2 years if you live in SCEE territory) sounds a little premature.

All we know is, it’s a roomah. Sony might be making a slimline PS3 now, or they might not. I’ve sent an email off to Sony just in case. The least we can hope for is a ‘no comment’.

UPDATE: Since writing this article, I have indeed received a stern ‘no comment’ from SCEE. ‘We don’t comment on rumour or speculation’ was the exact wording, but I can’t see a denial in there anywhere. I think there could be some meat to this rumour: watch this space…

Well, keeping in mind this rumour is from N4G what do you think the chances are of it being true?

If it is true, could it be Sony's saviour
