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drkohler said:
Dodece said:
So you are declaring publicly that you are privy to corporate secrets, and have entered into a nondisclosure agreement with Microsoft? Your cryptic statements are meant to be cryptic not to cover your ass, but so you can try to create a mystique about yourself.

Don't play stupid and invent stuff. I never said I work(ed) for MS (I didn't btw). In your very strange world, if I say "An Arcade costs around $240 to manufacture", I should then also submit a fifty page abstract of every project I have ever been involved in the industry (with full addresses of at least 5 contact names and phone numbers so you can call each of them to verify?) and add scans of every NDA I've ever signed, just to prove that I roughly know what I'm talking about? You just have to realise that there are people who happen to know "things", because half of their lives they have come into contact with "things". What these "things" are is completely irrelevant to this discussion. If you don't like the estimates I give for whatever reason, again, find sources that say otherwise and be happy with it.

I'm not going to continue to argue with you. I know my numbers are ok and you know I'm just making it up, so we agree to disagree.

Listen, because you make claims regarding the manufacturing costs of the different models of the 360, and the fact you come off with a degree of certainty you have to understand that the preponderance of evidence falls on you to back them up. I neither agree or disagree with your numbers because until I have a hard source then I don't have  any reason to state my thoughts on the matter without making the fact that they are estimations quite clear.

On the internet where anonymity is rule, sources must be used and cited in order to maintain a healthy debate. It is sad but true especially in communities such as this where personal preference sneaks its way into a lot of statements. Thats why people ask for sources. It's not that they don't want to believe you per say, but if we believed half of the stuff people pull out on here....well we don't wanna go there. It's all just a stalemate really.

Regarding the manufacturing costs of the different models it is still hard to make an educated guess as to whether they are turning a profit per console sold and which models are doing that. Given the the cost trends and length of time the 360 has been on the market I wouldnt be surprised if they are within 5-10% either way of breaking even. And if they are selling them at a loss the growth in software sales along with accessories should cover the loss. My estimates.


Consoles Owned: Sega Genesis, NES, PS2 (RIP) N64, Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii


"In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is rule."

~ Friedrich Nietzsche