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As far as I know: NMH was censored, because Rising Star Games feared the UK reaction as they've shown with Manhunt 2. They don't wanted it to be banned or similar (Unfortunatelly there was this comment from Suda himself I believe that NMH is harder then manhunt2) so they released the japanese censored Version all around Europe = No worries about anything. They just didn't try to realease it uncut at all (imo that wasn't a good idea for the sales in others). For Madworld (and also HotD-O) they eliminated a big Factor. Those Games won't be released in Germany. So Zucas it's not banned here, they stated already in the beginning it won't be released here. That's good because there's a high chance we can import the uncut Version now fom UK, Austria, etc.

@the people telling about artstyle: Don't forget that Videogames and Movies are not considered as art. They are censored all around and they will allways be :( As long as the UK (bbfc it was called or something like that) won't absolutely ban it, the Games and movies will most often be uncensored availlable in Europe (except Germany). Like Manhunt 2 now finally availlable in Europe and I believe the same Version as the us but not sure.

“And all those exclamation marks, you notice? Five? A sure sign of someone who wears his underpants on his head.” -Terry Pratchett