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Blade Runner is beautiful in BR. Just amazing. It's such a dense film visually, with so much detail and colour mixes, that IMHO BR makes it seem like truly seeing it in the cinema again.

I compared my Blade Runner BR to DVD (up-caled) and the difference was huge in the detail/colour level. Same for Dark Knight, too.

I have to say for me all new films will be BR now. Having picked up Blade Runner, Dark Knight, Dark City, There Will Be Blood and Cloverfield to try it out I'm sold.

Even allowing for upscaled DVD BR looks way better on an HD TV. The bad news is a guess I am going to give in an buy Lawrence of Arabia, 2001, Matrix (the first one!), etc. all over again. Plus Lord of the Rings... and during a recession too!

C*nty Bollocks!

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...