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If I buy a comparable 360, plus wireless for 360, plus a cheaper BR player I will actually spend as much or probably more than the cost of a PS3 - particularly after two years as I will also have added 2 years of live to the cost where PSN is free.

So the PS3 is good for the price, provided you want an HD console and a BR player and online play.

This has always been Sony's issue since launch. The bigger market out their wants an HD game consoles at a lower price, and don't care about BR, and 360 is selling to those people and if Sony wants to reverse that trend its either going to have to hope the market buys into BR and compares the two consoles inclusive of BR as a cost (which I think is pretty unlikely right now), let 360 pick up market share, or eat margin and cut the price below the true value of the system.

Sony's dilemma is do they lower price to where it is ridiculous for the actual contents of PS3 (including BR player) but will sell much better to those potential purchasers who aren't going to go for the current price and don't care about BR, or do they try and hold fast for as long as possible at the current price?

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...