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So you are declaring publicly that you are privy to corporate secrets, and have entered into a nondisclosure agreement with Microsoft? Your cryptic statements are meant to be cryptic not to cover your ass, but so you can try to create a mystique about yourself. Everyone look at me I am a super secret expert that trolls forums, and am perhaps a corporate agent. Out to spread the word or to do no good.

Honestly I am not impressed your logic is as convoluted as logic gets. How the hell does someone claiming to have violated an NDA, and your having actually read an NDA equate to you having special knowledge. The answer is it doesn't, but you would like other members to think it does. Hundreds of thousands of gamers sign NDAs every year as part of the beta testing process alone. Yeah real special fucking knowledge there my friend.

Oh I see I should trawl the net looking for numbers. Well no shit of coarse I will find numbers. There are a lot of people like you more then happy to just make shit up. They get their rocks off screwing with idiots who will buy into anything. Doing this makes them feel superior. I am also well versed in the term libel, and I sure as hell did not violate any laws regarding it. My statement was steeped in the hypothetical. You need to go review that word. There is a difference between saying something is and saying something would be.

Just as I am about to do now. Hypothetically if I were to judge you as a person I would probably consider you one of the following a Liar, a Troll, or a Corporate Shill. So here is to you Secret Agent man, and your cryptic nonsense. Back up your statements or keep your mouth shut. Claims of special knowledge don't impress this poster. Anyone can make up this bullshit.