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I don't enjoy seeing companies make mistakes. There is nothing more frustrating than watching something that has the potential for greatness utterly squander that potential through bonehead blunders and arrogance. The PSP could have been truly great. As it stands most people just use it as a portable emulator.

That's why I'm so upbeat about the iphone. The iphone is like a child staring bleary-eyed out into the world. It's potential is untapped, it's future unpredictable. no one knows where it's going, but there are a bunch of crazy developers who see this young kid as the next heavy-weight. And I salute them.

People called me crazy 7 years ago for saying that the palm pilot had great potential as a gaming device. I maintain to this day that had palm fostered any enthusiam or ecosystem Palm could have been a real player. Nintendo validated me a bit with the DS, showing everyone that original stylus-based games could be great. It wasn't the controls that held Palm pilot back, or the graphics. It was lack of vision and courage on the part of palm and its developers, and to a lesser extent its customers. The iphone will face plenty of problems, but lack of developer enthusiasm won't be one of them.