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If novelty didn't sell games then think about it, we'd just play our old games over & over again. That's the long-term problem for the industry, competing against it's own legacy....

At the end of the "life after the video game crash" article there is a list of the top 30 shows of 1983. I guarantee you that the TV industry was far more profitable/healthy then than it is now. Look at the number of night-time soap operas on the list, they haven't made one of them in years & years. And sitcoms have been played out, IMO Everybody Loves Raymond may very well be remembered as the last great one. Bottom line, there's plenty of good stuff to watch on syndication & on DVD which dilutes the market for new products.

The broader point is: Is there a limit to originality? Nintendo seems to be the only company dedicated to pushing that limit on the console side of the gaming industry. By the time that limit is reached Nintendo will have godly amounts of money while everyone else will be bankrupt.