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frybread said:

Someone replies to reasoning and evidence with a contradictory statement, but doesn't provide any evidence or reasoning for their statement.

I have a suspicion this argument style is a fallacy, but don't know which one.  Can anyone identify it?

(Fake) Example: 

"While we are in a recession, the car industry is experiencing enormous growth. I think YoY the total revenue is up 20%.

The SUV development model is clearly unsustainable. If an average SUV will only break even at 1 million sold (let alone see a significant ROI) there's something terribly wrong with the industry.

Sure the Tundras and Escalades will earn a nice sum of money, but even something like Hummer looks like it's going to make a loss. Despite it will likely end up selling a million.

Most Japanese car makers have focused on Hybrids, are increasing their compact development and are having less SUVs. For some reason Western automakers are unwilling or unable to shift their focus to hybrids"

"You grossly overestimate the cost of SUVs"

Bare Assertion Fallacy- premise in an argument is assumed to be true purely because it says that it is true. No facts or proof are given.