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Ok, here's the thing! As long as X360 + PS3 software combined outsells or sells on-par with Wii software (3rd-party stuff, not the Nintendo titles included) then you won't see a lot of high-end 3rd-party titles!

They much more prefer the multi-HD-platform release to see higher sales with the both combined then on ONLY the Wii...


So; as long as 3rd-parties on Wii don't sell more then X360-PS3 3rd-party software combined you won't see a shift!

Conclusion: 3rd-parties will never shift to Wii en-mass! You'll definitely see some bigger games more often! But nothing compared to for example Death Space, Bioshock, Mass Effect, Gears of War etc...

Maybe Madworld comes close though! ^^... Heads-up!