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It's more than just a matter of appealing to the expanded audiance. Most developers care about the product than the people who play them. So when they make a the high budget games that cater to the 16-28 demographic they believe that they should make it only for HD. This path is somewhat true. See that exact demographic will either have the target machine or both(Wii+HD). When the games comes out for all 3d or just those 2 that demographic won't chose the Wii version. Why because they use there second rate teams to mimic the HD, just not as good. So often it's a sub par version. Even if everything but the graphics are the same. The demographic will still buy the HD version because it's the same price, easier online, better graphics.

If however they did their highbudget action game for Wii only. Say Devil May Dry 5? or Ninja Gaiden 3.. then these gamers will either forfiet the game or buy it on the Wii.

What happens next. All the true fans of the franchise will buy on the whatever console in this example the Wii. Then it's the "others" market. Those who like the style, the combat or whatever. The game name is less important. This group represnts X% of the market. This percentage will be the same regardless on what console you refer too. Because of this X% for the Wii would produce more over all sales.

However that won't ever happen. Developers believe that when making their HB game that they are accessing the entire demographic. When that's not really the case. They are only accessing fans + other. But they don't want to take what they feel is a risk. They don't feel that the series fans will move with the game.

So to make it simple. Multiplat HB core title games will never do well on the Wii because it's multiplatform. They will never dedicate a HB core title on the Wii because they don't know how to sell it.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.