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Peter Molyneux has been installed a keynote speaker at GDC09 titled 'Lionhead's Experiments Revealed'. This virtually confirms that we will be hearing about the secret project thats been in development at Lionhead that PM's been raving about, and hopefully news on the next instalment in a familiar Molyneux franchise.

I think this starts the round of announcements MS is going to make for the 360 and be more forward looking - games that are coming out in 2009-2010. I also think they are going to break into the MMO mold more substantially - with APB, Age of Conan, Champions Online, Huxley - and I wouldnt put it past them to secure Star Trek Online and Star Wars TOR. This follows from Phil Spencer's comments on what they are planning for E309.

In terms of predicted announcements for 2009, I reckon there would be updates on Forza, Halo, Mass Effect and the next Rare games.