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Sorry but the guy does not know how bussiness works, maybe because of these kind of people we are in this mess. The problem with losses are you have to pay them back, unless the rest of the bussiness is making money which Sony is not. Also the more you loss the less your share price is the harder it is to finance the losses. This means you pay more interest on the losses which makes them bigger over the long run and at some point the bussiness fails or they have to sell part of it to pay the losses. In a recession the amount of money anyone will pay for parts of your bussiness are lower then in the good times which makes the losses harder to pay off. Sony are in big trouble at the moment, they were slow to act on there problems so that makes them bigger as the action to sort it out has to be larger. Time will tell if Sony can suvice as they are now, but to me it looks very unlikely. But to say that billions of $ losses are Irrelivant is just hopefull Fanboy talk.