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y0ungK!d said:

^ I didn't mean it like that. I want to go to law school, but I know it isn't for everyone. However, it is a good option for people who do like law. And law school isn't as stressful if you have a interest in law. For example, my aunt's a lawyer and she enjoyed law school;however, one of my cousins hated it, so much so, she dropped out in less than a year. It depends on a person's drive and interest for law. And you do PS? How is it? Are you a lobbist? Are you being paid well?


No, I'm a student and (assistant) manage a hotel.  More accurately I goto Rollins for International Affairs, focusing on PoliSci...I usually say pre-law or PoliSci because when I say International Affairs people have no idea what I'm talking about and I don't really care to explain it each time.

Many of my friends who have graduated work in a related job.  The ones who work for political organizations don't make shit.  You don't go into government or public work for the money... You go into it for the benefits and job security or because it's the only thing you can (or want) to do.  Most continue(d) to work on their Master's.

I want to go to law school too.  My grades sucked, but I did well on the LSAT and now I've been offered a bunch of scholarships.  My tip to you.  Practice the LSAT, a lot, and then practice it some more.

A couple VGChartsterz are in Law School, keep an eye out for them, they helped me a lot.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.