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Hmm well maybe Sony won the format wars - but so far, people don't really seem to be buying a lot of Blue Ray movies, but rather tend to stick with DVD movies - maybe it's because of the financial crisis, or maybe they just don't see the point in shelling out more, for something that is basicly the same product - after all - the leap from DVD to Blue Ray, is not in any way near as revolutionary as the leap from VHS to DVD - plus a Blue Ray player plays DVD's too, which a VHS player wasn't capable of..

Personally I don't see the Blue Ray ever becomming the new mainstream movie format, the way DVD's did - but rather something similar to what the Laser Disc was in the VHS days - a format for the more devoted and financially established movie fan - but never the mainstream format of movies..

But how this will affect the Playstation Brand I dare not say..