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Actually I'm trying to be very open-minded ^_^ I do my best. I agree with you at the point that... IF gaming machine has a strong launch then it got a momentum that literally could crash all it's competitors (what actually happened this gen when Nintendo promote DS to people outside of gaming). And there're no big deal exactly how device being sold as gaming machine or something else.

But still success of Apple in gaming depends on publishers which are going (or not going) to bring big budget franchises on platform. As already said current revenue from games on iPhones\iTouches isn't looking big at all, and for overall sales of iPhones\iTouches they're on the same level as handhelds in their first year. Sure, publishers would support this somehow, but as long they don't expect strong sales - support will be on the same level as for any other mobile cell phone at max. Without any steps from Apple towards gaming I doubt anytime soon it's gaming division is going to grow, and for now games on iPhones\iTouches practically used by Apple like additional function to promote it's devices. There's a potential, but that's it.