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Um, so I guess none of the academic advisers ever mentioned anything about internships, graduate degrees, or professional degrees... too bad.

More jobs for people who PAID ATTENTION!

I'm PoliSci (from a pretty good school, but not great), lots of my peers have gone on to the State Department and the UN. You know why? Internships. They worked, went to school and worked 10-20 hours a week for free, got on the job training and proved they had the constitution and hutzbah.

y0ungK!d is completely wrong, law school is not for people who just decide to go there because they got nothing better to do. Why put yourself through the stress of law school, go get an MBA, get your master's in accounting and become a CPA (or equivalent), or take a shitty job and do that internship you should have started 2 years ago.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.