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Just some general observations:

I live in southern California and I have noticed some patterns in the way video games displays are located in major retail stores.


The PS family has the front display, showcasing the PS3.  A total of 4 shelves are dedicated to the PS family, all up front so those are the first games you see in the video game/electronics aisle.

Next is the MS display with 2 shelves of Xbox360 games.

Finally the Nintendo family display which is in the rear of the aisle and consists of 2 shelves as well one for wii and one for DS.


The PS family has the front display, showcasing the PS3.  One side of an aisle is dedicated to the PS family, all up front so those are the frst games displayed in the video game/electronics aisle.

Next is the MS display, one side of the aisle behind the PS family.

Finally the Nintendo family display which is next to the  MS aisle.

Best Buy:

Aisle location seems pretty neutral as no one brand stands out as the main one.  However, the game demo area consists of three large LCD screens (over 50") the two front one, thus the ones that first grab your attention are for Xbox and PS3 showing Rockband and GH:WT respectively.  The screen behind has Wii sports set up (apparently this particular store had it set up with a regular video cable and running 4:3).


These of course are merely observations in my area consisting in a total of 7 stores, thus anecdotal and not determinative of an actual pattern.  However it opens itself to some analysis.

For the sake of argument, retail stores showcase their star sellers, and given this site's sales numbers, the Nintendo aisle should be the dominant one in these general retail stores. But it does not seem that way. 

What other reasons could this be? maybe the PSX/PS2 era mentallity is still strong; or maybe these displays are influenced by the corporations themselves (thus Sony Corp. giving incentives to maintain certain priority)?

Or maybe the obvious answer is that despite the sales records here posted, Sony still creates more revenue for these retailers.

It would be great if someone could provide an analysis on which consoles generates the most revenue for the retailers instead of the manufactures.

any thoughts, opinions and critisisms?

"¿Por qué justo a mí tenía que tocarme ser yo?"