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madskillz said:
rocketpig said:
Cougarman said:
i love them both, but i have some great memories of Star wars, watching it with my father and him trying to explain the story to me, it was good times, LOTR is probably the better trilogy but my heart belongs to star wars.

That's because those movies, especially Episode IV, had real heart to them. It's hard to watch those movies without smiling. There's a "realness" to them that can't really be described. They're meant to be loads of fun, they changed the way movies are made, and you could tell there was a genuine effort behind the movies to create something special.

I love the LotR movies and think they're excellent examples of how to make a good blockbuster movie, but they lack that certain charm found in the original Star Wars trilogy (minus the Ewoks, that's where Lucas ended his run of fun mixed with intelligent filmmaking).


Dang, RP, I couldn't have said it better.

We may disagree on race issues and politics, but at least we agree on Star Wars. :D

Seriously, that movie may have brought down Hollywood and its "intellecuatlism", but it's a great film.

To boot, Empire is one of the greatest films ever made. I challenge someone to argue that point.

Star Wars, in its own attempt to create a modern mythology, created its own.

And I'll be damned if those first two films weren't two of the finest examples of celluloid ever produced.


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