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Civil Rights and Civil liberties are getting messed up here. Civil liberties are what the government cannot take away from you. Civil Rights are what the government tells others they have to do. Civil liberties are the government. Civil Rights are what the government enforces on businesses not to take away. I don't know why I just said this.

Hey, I got a question. (since many of you seem to be aspiring civil justice lawyers)
If I go to a church and lets say I'm an atheist, and I want to receive the eucharist for whatever reason, can the church deny me the eucharist for (christian chirst) being an unrepetant atheist?
I guess this sort of situation would apply to the homosexuality thing as well?
Would the government be infringing on the "freedom of religion" part of the first ammendment? Or do civil rights trump civil liberties in this case?

Your thoughts?