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Let me start of by saying that this will be my first thread in the past four months. Regardless, I've been reading alot of what you all had to say regarding "Home" for the PlayStation 3. Of course, almost seventy-five percent of the stuff I've read has been negative. So, as a member of this site, I've decided to gave you all my impression off home. I'll keep it short, simple, and straight to the point.

One of the chosen few to recieve the invite to the closed beta last month, I was finally able to go "home". The excitement was rather short-lived once I entered the virtual society. The amount of content available was dreadfully disappointing for me. I expected to be awed but, I was left wanting alot more. For example: the amount of clothing that was available sucked. Period. Not that it didn't look great but, there wasn't enough to make my avatar "unique". I chuckled to myself when I bumped into a few clones of myself. Even so, I managed to deal with the lack of clothing once I figured out how to make my hair look cool [LOL!!!]. Now, for the character model customization: it proved to be rather interesting. You had your typical suspects such as height, weight, face, ect. Eventhough I didn't find it great, it definitely provided for some wacky character designs. I, again, chuckled when I created a "fat" chick with an afro. Now, for the entirety of the world. The theater just plain sucks. I'm sorry for those that may feel at odds with my opinion but, it just looks the same damn video again and again. After watching the socom stuff three times, I made it my business to leave. Of course, I ventured back but, left disappointed. The mall is interesting. It features a variety of shop to purchase items for home.  The design of the mall is impressive yet, the repetitive shops that were found on both first and second floors was a tad disappointing. Regardless, it's an interesting atmosphere. Finally, the bowling alley. I honestly had fun here. Even though ninty percent of the time, all the games were taken already. Regardless, the bowling game, though not the greatest simulation, provided some depth to home. The pool game was ok. The arcades were interesting but, nothing that some MGS4 couldn't have done much better for my time. Now, this most important aspect of "Home": it's social gatherings. As a person with male genitals [LOL!!!], I found myself feeling bad for the opposite sex. If anything, the woman [or she-males] of Home will most certainly get pestered. Hell, I posed as a chick and got a bunch of suitors vying for my affection. Something that, again, I really, really chuckled at. Overall, the closed beta was fun. Regardless of the faults it may have, in my opinion, Home has alot of potential to expand. As for the recent open beta; aside from server issues and a redesigned central plaza with additional areas to explore, provided the same experience. Home definitely needs work but, from what I've seen, it can be very fun. Of course, you'll have to make your own fun [Quincying rulezzzz xD!!!].

Well, there ya have it. Hopefully, I provided some clarity to those that may not know much of home.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Guidelines to understanding my train of thought:

  • Solid Snake shall and well always shove 1up mushrooms up Mario's ass. 
  • Solid Snake shall and well always decimate Master Chief with a flurry of rocket launchers, shotgun rounds, and a 20 minute monologue.