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Once your computer is clean, do the following.

Spybot Search and Destroy
Ad-Aware 2008
Security Task Manager
Kapersky AnitVirus

Delete all other antivirus programs (using more than one antivirus software can actually cause problems) though you can keep your spyware programs if you like just remember to get the 2 I listed above.

If you cannot get your Windows firewall to work, download the ZoneAlarm firewall.

Run all the software periodically (at least once a week and preferably in safe mode for best results).

PS: If you're ever having this kind of trouble again, get the name of the infected file. Boot up using a Live Linux CD (just ask if you don't know how to do's incredibly easy), navigate to the file and delete it. You may need to use the command line to delete them which also isn't difficult if you copy and paste the commands and file names.

Because the file doesn't have any association with the Live Linux CD, it can be deleted completely without it hooking into other files as it might when trying to delete it in Windows.

And while you've got the Live Linux CD going, may as well take a peak at Linux for a while (I'd suggest Ubuntu) With the exception of gaming, it does everything Windows does (and more) but without all the security problems. I run both Vista and Linux. On Vista, I have those above security programs at the ready. On Linux, I have....none, they aren't needed.

The rEVOLution is not being televised