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Yes, my days of coming to my local-walmart or gamestop to try out "Certain" 360 games are coming to an end....

The arcade is mine atleast...

Now i can finally play an upcoming JRPG i've been looking forward to, im not betraying anyone or anything though i still love my PS3 and the games on/will be on it, but Dual-Owning HD Consoles is just to much to pass up if you can do so, Since both HD consoles have great and upcoming games of my taste. now my HD gaming dream is coming true... it? Well im far to lazy to explain in full detail but im gonna try anyway. :P

  1. Wal-mart is sold out, only consoles remain are Wii's 360 Elites & Pros, and a few PS3 80Gigs...
  2. My Local Gamestop is sold out for the arcades, yet the elites and pros are still very much everywere...and Wii's are still filling spaces left and right, oddly though there wasnt a PS3 in-sight other then the playable stands...hmmm? DS and PSP's were not around at all to...
  3. Finally *I thought* YES could this be it!? i check out a garqage sale locally and one of there items was a pre-used xbox 360 and guess fucking what? they were saleing a "Pro" Model with 4 games for 80 dollars...wanna guess the games?   and 2 others that i didnt care about, they were both gears of war gmes 1 & 2... but as soon as im a bout to buy, i ask "May i try it" the lady gives a "hesitent" o-o-oo-kaay... and guess fucking what... RRoD Mhmmmmm yeah no....



So as you can clearly see theres some sort of otherworldly force @ work here... now what should i do next...

Wait for an HDTV... (My dad has one he gladly share but... hes always watching fucking Ultimate Fighting, Football or soft-core porn and i wan my own HD damnit!!!)

Because i did a Real life comparison between my SDTV and my dads 1080p HDTV and the differnce?... UNREAL!!! omg really now wtf?! HDTV i swear to god makes everything look better, now thats TRUE HD right there, screw SD i want some o dat stuff rite dare mon!

So...What should i do!?... confused.... and i've still yet to get valkyria chronicles and LBP...WTF!? Nuuuu!!! :(