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Moongoddess256 said:
No its not. Wow. It is what it is. Anyone with a human brain knows what it is. How is someone to know that Adolf Hitler is german? By your logic, they could be unaware of national origin and only know that he was that guy who killed a lot of people.

The things is, they simply cannot assume that a person is named after a dictator and refuse them the same services they would you or me. They have to consider that a person may be named after a German relative and refusing them service because of their name is discrimination. If the parents said our child is named after Hitler as a political statement, the store would have a case, but I have not seen any evidence that the parents made the store aware of that. A store cannot refuse a person a service because their name is Osama even if they are unaware that Osama is a common Arabic name and believe the person is named after Osama bin Laden.