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Moongoddess256 said:And who the hell is willing to consider that "discrimination"? I sure as hell wouldn't interpret it as such.

I'm pretty sure "discrimination" only applies to very specific things. As I found out when I got terminated from a gov't job unfairly.

Edit: I just clicked on that link you provided, it says right in the first line " without discrimination on the ground of race, color, religion, or national origin"

Says nothing about discrimination on the ground of naming your kid after one of the most evil figures in history.


How was the store aware that the child was named after an evil dictator? It is possible that the child was named after a German relative. Unless the parents explicitly stated that the child was named after Adolf Hitler as a form of political speech, which can be restricted on private property, the store had no clue. If that is the case, it is discriminating against the family because of its national origin.