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well ive been meaning to post this for a while why does everyone think that gta 4 is voerated.

The graphics were fantastic

The story was mindblowing

Liberty City is a resonable size

The missions are intense

There are many things to do in LC

There is good multiplayer!

but these are all my opions so why people why i think this is the best game in the series


I see it like this:

The graphics were good.

The story was mediocre.

The city size was about right, not too big, not too small.

About 60% of missions were stale, uninventive, predictable, and in general lackluster. 20% were mediocre. And about 20% are what I expect from a GTA game (I've thoroughly completed them all). Note this means the typical 5 to 10% "beyond what I expect" category has posted a big zilch-0-rama.

There were lots of things to do...but they are the same things that were in previous games..minus many of the best things you could do.  Jetpeck, Harrier Jet, Military Chopper, etc...Look at Saints Row 2 for those new fun inventive things I was talking about (GTA used to be about this stuff).

Multiplayer is very "meh" compared to several other games I already own and would rather play on multiplayer.

In short we've traded good graphics for ...everything else.  Pardon me while I ignore the franchise until they get their shit together.  Oh hello there Saints seem to know what I want.

/end rant

PS - Still a good game, but it's a shell of a game compared to San Andreas and Vice City.

To Each Man, Responsibility