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OK, let's see the games you chose

Gran Turismo 5: YEAH! It's not my most hyped game ever, but I await it eagerly, I'm sure it'll be amazing
Next Mario Platformer: Bleh. I never liked Mario platformers, so I don't hype this.
Halo 4: Noooooooooooo. It'll be an FPS+Halo 1 was horrible(the only Halo I played)= ZERO HYPE
Half Life 3: Definitely no. It's an FPS. Except that it turns to be Portal 2, otherwise, zero hype
The Legend of Zelda: Nah, the only Zelda I played (Ocarina) was decent, but nothing to make hyped for a Zelda. Maybe I need to play another, but I'm not really hyped for a Zelda game

So of "everyone's list" I'm only anticipating one. I can't believe you left out FF and MGS.